Guadeloupe: National Park Authority Launches New App
The Guadeloupe National Park Authority (PNG) has released a new App which aims to help sailors when visiting the Island. As anchoring is prohibited in many areas and mooring buoys provided by PNG must be used within the Park’s boundaries, the App helps skippers plan their route around the Island, based on the available mooring options.
Published 3 years ago
Within the boundaries of the Guadeloupe National Park recreational vessels, including yachts, may pick up the white buoys, according to the size and tonnage on the buoy. The red buoys which are for commercial boats only, are not to be used. The new App contains real-time information on anchoring, mooring and environmental regulations.
Pigeon Island National Park
In order to preserve safety on the site of the Pigeon Islands, a zone prohibited to navigation has been set up.
Moorings are available for authorized service providers and yachtsmen in order to protect the exceptional seabed of these spaces.
- Only one boat per mooring
- Maximum authorized length 8 m
- Fuchsia (red) moorings reserved for professionals
- Fairground anchorage is prohibited in the heart of the national park.
- No overnight stays
Grand Cul de Sac Marin
The bigger changes come in the Grand Cul de Sac Marin in the north part of the island. If you anchor on the east side of the channel, east of Ilet a Fajou, you should be clear of the park boundaries. But on the northwest side you must now take a mooring. There are also some on the southwest side that can be used. The moorings at Ilet a Caret are for daytime use only.
Main Regulations:
- Mooring is prohibited in the heart of the Park in the Grand-Cul-De-Sac Marin sector and its adjacent maritime area. Only mooring to the buoys provided is authorized.
In the heart of the GCSM national park, it is forbidden to:
- Damage plants and animals
- Disturb animals
- Fish or hunt (professional or recreational fishing)
- Light up the islets or the sea at night
- Use a Jet Ski
- Fly over the area with a drone or any other type of aircraft without authorization
- Disembark on Îlet Blanc between April 15 and August 15
- Disembark on the islet Tête à l’Anglais
- Scuba dive except on the Passe à Colas dive site and under the following cumulative conditions:
- mooring only on the buoy set up by the PNG establishment
- mooring of a maximum of one boat on the site for a given period
In order to preserve the tranquility of the birds, the Guadeloupe National Park has set up buffer zones on different sites. These can be obtained in the new App.
- Cote Sous-le-Vent (c) Park Nationale de la Guadeloupe.
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New Nav&Co App Available (Parc Nationale de la Guadeloupe)
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