Festive Wishes from the Noonsite Team

Wishing you all Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and the very best cruising for 2025.

Published 3 months ago

Cruising into 2025

Reflecting on a year where the mighty ocean currents are flowing with an abundance of cruising yachts once more, the popularity of exploring by sailboat seems to be growing with renewed vigour. Many are discovering that sailing isn’t just a mode of transport, it’s also a way of life that offers unique experiences, alternative perspectives and a diverse, global community.
Here at Noonsite we continue to work hard to make it as easy as possible to go long-distance cruising by providing accurate, detailed information on clearance formalities and rules for recreational yachts worldwide, ports of entry, plus providing a vast library of cruising resources. Many have discovered Noonsite for the first time this year as they embark on offshore cruising adventures and have become members to enjoy unlimited access to all that Noonsite has to offer.
While our small team work hard to keep the information on Noonsite as up to date as possible, as well as bring you great cruising stories, news and intel from around the world, Noonsite would not be such a useful resource if it weren’t for the contributions and feedback from you, our users. More and more cruisers are paying it forward by sharing their passage and cruising reports with Noonsite and regularly feeding us updates and new information as they voyage onwards to a new cruising area. To those who have taken that little bit of extra time to report their experiences on Noonsite or drop a quick email to the editorial team with their findings, thank you.
As 2024 draws to a close, we would particularly like to recognise our top contributors from 2024, all of whom have unfailingly reported on their clearance experiences and shared wonderfully detailed reports on destinations they have cruised to. We are delighted to gift our top contributors Noonsite membership for the next 12 months. Our heartfelt thanks to cruisers Brent Crack, Mary Bevan, Grant McNamara, Maria and Allen Wadsworth, Ivar Smits, Floris van Hees, James Ashwell, Dominique Cabarroque, Christine Mitchell, Sarah Ovens, Luc Callebaut, Michelle Shultz, Alison Gieschen, Behan Gifford, Bruce Balan, Alene Rice, Maryanne Webb, Kathy Erwin, Chuck Houlihan & Linda Edeiken.
Wishing all our users, advertisers, information-sharing-partners and cruising contacts from around the world joy, happy memories and peaceful ocean moments this holiday season.
Sue, Lynda and Megan – the Noonsite Team
For information on sending feedback and cruising reports to Noonsite – see here

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