Information On Entry To Vietnam And Cambodia

Published 19 years ago, updated 7 years ago

I am just coming back from a trip to Cambodia where I visited the Port Authorities at Sihanoukville and inquired about the formalities for entering the Cambodian and Vietnamese waters. The request must be addressed to the “Kamsab” agency which will take care of producing the authorization from both the ministry of transport and of tourism in Cambodia and Vietnam.

I have also met with a local guide who happens to know the Kamsab manager of Phnom Penh. This gentleman, Mr Chan, speaks French and some English and he is willing to be an intermediate to handle the paperwork locally on behalf of the boat owner/skipper.

Mr CHAN’s details are:

Mr UNN BOUN CHAN (also called John), CHEZ N° 189, Rue N° 19, Sangkat, CHEY-CHUMNEAS, Khan DAUN PENH, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Tel: 012-866-002, E-mail:

All the details of the KAMSAB dept can be found on their website: [BROKEN LINK]

I would like to point out that Mr Chan has never gone through the process but he happens to know the Manager of the Kamsab office in Phnom Penh, which may help. He was our official guide in Cambodia and is a nice person. He is working for the Ministry of Culture and Arts, and I understand he would appreciate to find himself an additional job as “documentary agent”. For those who want to try to handle the paperwork themselves, they can get in touch directly with the Kamsab dept.

Robert Pottok

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