Seamanship 2.0: Everything you need to know to get yourself out of trouble at sea
This book covers all the basics, with handy fact boxes to highlight especially important information, the authors have lent a modern, real-world approach to the subject matter, and the wonderful illustrations bring it to life.
Contents include:
– Introduction
– Navigation: chart symbols, radar fact box, using the sounder, finding your position on the chart, maintaining an estimated position, course to steer
– Seamanship: your crew, passage planning, anchoring, manoeuvering, mooring, towing, catching a buoy, heaving to
– Safety and emergencies: identifying likely emergencies (grounding, loss of rigging/mast, leaks, loss of steering, man overboard, sinking and taking to the liferaft) with self-help solutions, calling for help, equipment, VHF procedures, fire and gas, fixing an engine, knowing when help should be sought without delay
– First aid: CPR, breathing problems, drowning, shock, trauma, treating wounds, burns, broken limbs, hypothermia, seasickness, allergies, abdominal pains/nose bleed
– Weather: sea breeze, low pressure, wind, fog, squalls, forecasting
– Environment: bird/seal protection areas, microplastics, holding tanks, old boats, bottom paint
– Appendix: rules of road,traffic separation zones, day and night signals, light characteristics, life saving signals, flags/morse
By: Mike Westin, Olle Landsell, Nina Olofsson, Par Olofsson
Publisher : Adlard Coles; 1st edition (March 11, 2021)
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Books, Cruising Handbook, How-to guides, Medical, References, Survival