Circumnavigation: Voyages on Baringo

John Sanderson and Julia Billingham undertook a circumnavigation from 2010 to 2018 and previously a circuit of SE Asia in 2002. Julia wrote this book, published in 2020, describing their sailing adventures with their yacht Baringo.
The book provides insight into the planning, preparation and organisation required for a circumnavigation and information about sailing and navigation for ocean crossings, stormy weather and advice about anchoring techniques when coastal cruising. It covers problems they had, gear breakages, anchorages, countries visited and the great pleasure of long-distance sailing.
By: Julia D Billingham
Publisher: Julia Dorothy Billingham; 1st edition (August 14, 2020)
John and Julia kept a blog of their circumnavigation which is still available on
Related to following destinations: Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
Related to the following Cruising Resources: Books, Circumnavigation, Cruising Information, Inspirational / Cruising Life, Planning, Planning and Preparation