Cruising Resources: Caribbean

The best source of information about crimes against yachts in the Caribbean islands and surrounding countries is the Caribbean Safety and Security Net [CSSN].

CSSN provide information by anchorage or by the island and have a very useful incident map. You can subscribe to notifications every time a crime reports is filed with CSSN .

If you experience a boarding, robbery or attack on your yacht or have information about a yachting-related security incident, go to the CSSN homepage and click on the “Report an Incident” icon.

The Caribbean has several islands where overnight anchorages should be selected carefully. CSSN’s annual reports are also a good way to get an overview of the area you are planning to cruise, and which anchorages and islands require caution.


Boats on passage between Grenada and Trinidad should be aware that on several occasions over the past few years vessels have been approached, boarded and robbed. The passage from Venezuela and the area around the Hibiscus Gas Platform have also seen piracy incidents against yachts on passage.

All yachts transiting these waters should submit a float plan to the Trinidad & Tobago Coastguard. See Trinidad & Tobago Security for full details.

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