Weather: NOAA to Change Marine Forecast and Warning Zones
From March 2023, NOAA’s National Weather Service is changing a number of offshore Marine Forecast and Weather Warning Zones which will affect some coastal areas of Mexico, the USA, Puerto Rico, Alaska and American Samoa.
Published 2 years ago
The changes were being made because many weather zones were currently too large to adequately account for the complexity of marine weather that occurs in these areas said NOAA’s National Weather Service.
“Therefore NOAA has created new zones to improve the accuracy and precision of forecast and warning products in the marine weather program.”
The changes affect the following areas:
Eastern Pacific – Southern Mexico
The Tropical Analysis and Forecast Branch (TAFB) of the National Hurricane Center (NHC) will change the offshore zones in the eastern Pacific off southern Mexico encompassing the offshore waters of the Mexican states of Chiapas, Oaxaca, Jalisco, and Colima, as well as the waters off Baja California Sur and the Revillagigedo Islands.
Notice of changes to Eastern Pacific Offshore Zones
Gulf of Mexico – Louisiana
The NWS Weather Forecast Office in Lake Charles, LA is making changes to Marine Forecast Zones encompassing Vermilion, West Cote Blanche Bay, East Cote Blanche Bay, and Atchafalaya Bay.
Notice of changes to Marine Zones for Lake Charles
Puerto Rico – San Juan
The NWS Weather Forecast Office in San Juan, Puerto Rico is changing the Marine Forecast and Warning Zones for the waters offshore Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Changes to Marine Forecast Zones for Puerto Rico
- A graphical representation of proposed Marine Forecast Zone changes for the San Juan WFO.
USA East Coast – Baltimore/Washington
The NWS Baltimore/ Washington Weather Forecast Office in Sterling, VA will add marine areas of Chesapeake Bay north of Pooles Island to encompass. significant portions of the North East, Elk, Bohemia, and Sassafras. Rivers.
Changes to Public, Fire and Marine Forecast Zones for Baltimore/Washington DC
Pago Pago – American Samoa
The NWS Weather Service Office in Pago Pago, American Samoa (PPG) is changing Marine Forecast Zones on Tutuila and Aunuu, Manu’a, Swains Island and Rose Island.
Changes to Public, Fire and Marine Forecast Zones for Pago Pago, American Samoa
NWS Weather Forecast Offices in Fairbanks, Anchorage and Juneau in Alaska are implementing comprehensive. changes to coastal and offshore Marine Forecast Zones.
Marine Forecast Zone Changes for Fairbanks
Marine Forecast Zone Changes for Anchorage
Marine Forecast Zone Changes for Juneau
Changes could affect services
Commodore Joan Connover, President of the Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA) said the changes could impact services which might be using automated systems using the file name or the zone area such as PredictWind, MWXC and SailDocs.
“Any sailors who download weather files based on the name of the zone should note that the file names may change and the regions covered will be modified,” Joan told Noonsite.
To find out more about these upcoming changes click on the following National Weather Service link:
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Related to following destinations: Alaska, American Samoa, Baltimore, East Coast (USA), Gulf Coast, Mexico, Pago Pago, Puerto Rico, USA, West Coast (Mexico)
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