Brazil, Vitoria: Clearing in and out and visa renewal process
Vitória signing in and out and visa renewal processes (straight forward and streamlined)
Published 10 years ago, updated 6 years ago
Information gathered in July 2015.
Vitória is a pleasant modern city, with the facilities any city in Europe would offer. The city government claims that it is the easiest place to do business in Brazil and is striving to reduce red tape.
The Iate Clube de Espírito Santo is very welcoming to foreign cruisers. You can anchor off and use the facilities (BR$26.88 per person/per day) or tie up to the outer wall (same cost per person/per day). Beware of the stern line mooring buoys. A foreign yacht was smashed against the wall in July 2015 when the mooring failed and other boats have reported them moving.
Remember to dress smartly for officialdom, you are a ship’s officer after all! (no shorts or flipflops).
To sign into the state of Espírito Santo
You will be expected to visit both the Capitania and the Policia Federal (Marine division) NEPON. Both are on the main seafront road. We were staying longer than 72 hours so had to return to both offices to sign out before leaving.
R. Belmiro Rodrigues da Silva 145
Enseada do Sua
Open from 8:15am until 1:15pm
Directions: 20 minutes walk from the yacht club. Turn left along the promenade and keep walking straight until you arrive at the Capitania compound (a white wall with Capitania written on it). On the way you will cross the road by the bridge to Ihla do Frade, pass Vitória Shopping on your left, walk under the bridge flyover and pass the coffee exchange on your right.
If you aren’t sure, ask for “Praca do Pape” which is nearby.
Policia Federal NEPON
Av. Elias Miguel 316
Open all day but you may have to wait for the official to return as they do big ships as well.
Directions: Although many buses pass nearby, I would recommend catching a taxi (approx. R$20 – taxis have meters).
To renew your visa and the boat’s tax declaration
You will need to visit the Federal Police (Immigration office) and the Maritime Tax department in this order.
However, before you go anywhere, you will need to complete a form online, print it out and take it to the Bank of Brazil or Itaú bank to pay for your visa extension. It cost us BR$67 per person. You then take the receipt to the Federal Police (Immigration).
The form is online at
1. Scroll down until you find GRU
2. Choose option ‘Pessoas e entitades estrangeiros’
3. ‘Endereco’ means ‘address’
4. ‘Unidade Arrecadadora’ choose ‘Estado do Espirito Santo’
5. ‘Codigo de Receita’ is 140090.
Policia Federal (Immigration)
Av. Dr. Olivio Dutra, 353, G9
Shopping Praia da Costa
Praia da Costa
Vila Velha
Directions: This shopping center is on the mainland, on the other side of the 3rd bridge (no pedestrian or cycle access). There are buses but it will be easier to get a taxi (BR$30).
Ask for a ‘Prorrogacao de Prazo’. We were waved to the front of the queue and didn’t need to fill in any other forms. (If you do have to fill in a form, do so in CAPITALS and sign the top half only. If it asks for a personal reference, write BARCO, ICES, VITÓRIA). Ten minutes later we walked out with our visa extensions stamped 90 days from the end of our first visa.
Maritime Tax department
SEVIG – Servico de Vigilancia
Alfandega do Porto de Vitoria
Portaria Principal da Codesa – Prédio Administrativo
Av. Presidente Getúlio Vargas, 556
Opening hours: 9am-12pm and 2-5pm
Directions: This is close to the Policia Federal NEPON office. Find the Governor’s Palace, a grand building at the top of some fancy steps. With the palace behind you, face the port, SEVIG is to your left, opposite a blue building.
Ask for Admissão Temporária de Embarcação.
To sign into Brazil, if Vitória is your first port of call
You will be expected to visit the Policia Federal (Marine division) NEPON (where your passports will be stamped with a three months visa), the Maritime Tax department and the Capitania in that order (addresses and directions as above).
From the Policia Federal NEPON office, walk approx. 1km back in the direction of the yacht club. You will see a grand building at the top of some fancy steps on your left, this is the Governor’s Palace. The Maritime Tax department is shortly after, on your right, opposite a blue building.
Finally, visit the Capitania.
Kath McNulty
SY Caramor
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