Colombia, Isla Tortuguilla: Armed Men Board and Ransack Anchored Yacht

A yacht transiting from Panama to Cartagena, Colombia was boarded and ransacked by a group of armed men after anchoring late in the day for an overnight stop at Isla Tortuguilla.

Published 2 years ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-05-19 22:00

LOCATION:  Colombia – Isla Tortuguilla

EVENT:  Assault


STOLEN ITEMS:  Cell phones, laptops, outboard and small items.

SECURED: Does not apply


A yacht transiting from Panama to Cartagena anchored late in the day to overnight at Isla Tortuguilla. There were no other boats anchored there. They closed up and locked the boat for the night. At 2200HRs several men armed with automatic weapons arrived in an open boat with 40HP outboard and boarded.

The captain reluctantly opened up and the men ransacked the yacht. They collected valuables and then handcuffed the youngest crew member and with a blast of gunfire forced all of the crew into the open boat and took them ashore where they were held hostage at gunpoint overnight. The crew was treated roughly but there were no physical injuries. The thieves seemed to think the crew was involved in drug smuggling, but found no drugs.

The next morning, the thieves returned the hostages to the yacht and released them and stole the outboard engine.

The crew departed and plans to make a report to their consular officials.


CSSN NOTE:  If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually informed.

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