Curaçao, Spanish Water: Two Locked Dinghies Stolen the Same Night

Two dinghies were stolen in the same night from yachts anchored at Spanish Water in Curaçao, even though both dinghies were well secured and locked by their respective owners.

Published 2 years ago

Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-09-01 08:00

LOCATION:  Curaçao (the Netherlands) – Spanish Water – anchorage

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Dark grey quicksilver dinghy / Tohatsu 6HP engine, fuel tank and 2 stroke engine oil



Overnight while the crew slept onboard, their in-the-water and chain locked dinghy/outboard was stolen. The well prepared thieves smashed/bent the stainless steel locking bar with its heavy lock still in place. The cut painter and damaged locking bar/chain  were found dangling behind the yacht. A report was made to the Coast Guard.

A second yacht anchored nearby also had their in-the water and chain locked dinghy/outboard stolen the same night. (See Report Below).

Police reports are planned.


Source:  CSSN

DATE:  2023-09-01 01:00

LOCATION:  Curaçao (the Netherlands) – Spanish Water – anchorage

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:  Dinghy/20HP Mercury Outboard



Overnight, while owners slept on board their in-the-water and chain locked dinghy / 20HP Mercury outboard was stolen.

Another nearby yacht experienced a similar theft the same night (see report above).


CSSN NOTE:  If you are a victim, please take five minutes to complete the CSSN online incident report, it’s quick, confidential and keeps our cruising community fully and factually informed.

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