Jakarta, Batavia Marina – Update
Published 12 years ago, updated 6 years ago

Posted 22 July 2013
A cruiser’s report and information on Batavia Marina Jakarta
We have been in Batavia Marina at Jakarta for just over two weeks after being towed here by a friendly fishing trawler – but that’s another story.
The marina is located at 06 07’18″S 106 48’76″E within the Sunda Kelapa Harbour. The marina is a very friendly place with the marina staff always going the extra mile to help us and the boat hands so welcoming.
A bit about the marina for those yachties thinking about visiting.
The marina can be called on VHF CH 69, but we found that it isn’t always working or monitored.
The approach channel to the marina is marked by two sets of port and starboard channel markers – lit with flashing green and red lights at night. A night approach can be difficult as the channel markers are difficult to isolate from the background harbour lighting. From seaward, the marina is easily identified by the long breakwater that runs east-west along the whole frontage of the marina. The wall comprises conical topped concrete poles cemented together to form a very effective breakwater – the marina experiences no swell or surge. The approach channel is approx. 300 metres in length and the channel depths we charted at half tide were between 5+ metres and 2.1 metres. We draw 2.1 and we didn’t feel any bumps – the bottom is very soft and silty. The tide at Jakarta is diurnal and has a range of 1-1.5 metres. The marina entrance is at the eastern end of the breakwater.
Once through the approach channel (approx. 300 metres long and running north to south), a sharp turn to starboard sees you in a concrete-walled channel of about 150 metres leading to the marina basin. Care is needed on the turn as close to the outside breakwater the depth is quite shallow. Once inside the marina basin, the depths average around 3-5 metres.
The marina also sells diesel and petrol. the diesel is the best quality and cleanest we have found anywhere in Asia. The current price is 10,400Rp/litre.
The marina is quite isolated and is within the ‘secure’ harbour area. The local Jakarta traffic is an absolute nightmare and I would not recommend attempting to join the fray by self-drive. Taxis are very cheap and can be booked either by phone yourself or the marina front desk will do it for you. The wait time for a taxi depends on the time of day. The marina will tell you that a wait of 2 hours is not uncommon. Generally, we have had a taxi within 40 minutes – often a lot less. Blue Bird taxi company we found to be the best and most reliable. They use a meter and charge by the kilometre – which helps when stuck in Jakarta traffic for a couple of hours. The Bluebird operators speak good English and their ph number is +62 217 917 1234. Other taxi companies do not, or refuse, to use their meters and will increase the fare 10 fold.
The closest Shopping Mall is Mangga Dua Square and is about 5 km away – a 30,000Rp taxi ride away. Our usual time to travel is around 15-30 minutes. There is a Carrefour supermarket there and also Phone, computer and factory discounted clothing outlets. Several excellent Chinese restaurants are also located on the ground floor – one adjacent to the Novotel entrance.
ATM and MiniMart
There are an ATM and a mini-mart located within the harbour precinct and within 5 mins walk. The ATM is near the western harbour gate and the minimart just outside the centre gate. The eastern gate, the one nearest the marina entrance, closes at 1800 daily.
The marina has free WiFi but the berths are not within range. However, inside the marina building is very comfortable and air conned so WiFi inside is good.
Marina Restaurant and Bar
The marina restaurant provides delicious meals, local, Chinese, Japanese and western at very inexpensive prices. The bar sells draft and bottled beer – draft Bintang pitcher of beer 95,000Rp, handle 35,000Rp. Wine is expensive.
Cell Phone top-ups
The marina cashier can provide top-ups for your cell phone.
Marina Amenities
The showers and toilets at the marina are very modern and also kept very clean.
Gary and Libby Penney (both Australian)
Boat: SV Aquarius (Roberts Offshore 38)
Flag: Australian
Our blog site: http://www.sailblogs.com/member/garynlibby/
Batavia Marina, Jakarta – Profile
Posted 16 September 2008
I drove down to have a look at Batavia Marina this morning. It is pretty good – certainly can’t be called beautiful but it seems functional and relatively easy to get to.
The marina has floating docks, pretty good size and lots of empty spaces!
Entry into the Marina
You will need to motor in through Jakarta Bay weaving your way through the boats anchored all over the place. The oil rigs further out are not a problem. As you approach the marina you should be straight on to it. About due South. To your left, you will see a couple of his stacks, in front of a large brown building 4-5 stories high with “Marina” written up there.
The front of the marina is entirely closed off from the sea and the only access is through a channel to the East. There are a couple of channel markers out there…keep the block of land with the factory and stacks to port and chug into what appears to be a dead end and get ready for hard starboard (90′) turn as you come inside the sea wall (see photograph here [Broken Link]).
Consequently, the marina is very sheltered from the sea but a breeze can get up. You will note the huge Quicksilver aluminium in cat vessel parked in front of the building.
The biggest problem you have will be as you come in, is the trash you may suck up into your water inlets. Make sure you check them when you arrive and again after you leave.
Jakarta water should not be drunk so if you fill your tanks here best keep it for washing or does it with chlorine. We all use large 5 gallons bottles and a dispenser for our drinking water. Much cheaper to buy drinking water here than in Singapore.
There is a Carrefour supermarket not far down the road from the marina, but too far to walk. The marina seems pretty secure, still like everything else if it is not tied down or out of sight then it can grow legs and walk away. The marina was completed in late 2007 and does not show up on my Google earth but I can see where it is located.
There is a restaurant with WiFi inside – don’t know if it reaches the berths or not. They are presently constructing a pneumatic boat raiser in the northeastern corner to enable hull inspections or work to be done out of the water. Not sure of capacity.
The inside of the clubhouse is rather opulent, which is what one would expect in Jakarta!
Dave Donaldson
MV Si Bon
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