Saint Lucia, Laborie Bay: Thieves Active Around Yachts At Anchor

A number of incidents of theft from vessels anchored in Laborie Bay, Saint Lucia have been reported to CSSN this year, with items stolen including an outboard engine as well as fishing rods.

Published 1 year ago, updated 10 months ago

Source:  CSSN Incident Report

DATE:  2024-05-08 03:00

LOCATION:  Saint Lucia – Laborie Bay

EVENT:  Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:   Outboard engine, Honda BF 2.3 screwed on the searail.

SECURED:  Locked


While anchored overnight in Laborie Bay, a Honda 2.3HP engine was stolen from the rail. A crew member was asleep in the cockpit.

The crew of a second yacht awoke when they heard noises. Looking through a portlight they saw a thief onboard taking a fishing rod from its holder. See this CSSN report. The thief escaped in a small powered boat.


Source:  CSSN Incident Report

DATE:  2024-03-02 23:00

LOCATION:  Saint Lucia – Laborie Bay

EVENT:  Attempted Theft


STOLEN ITEMS:   Unsuccessful

SECURED:  Locked


At 2300HRS the crew onboard a catamaran anchored near the dock in Laborie Bay, St. Lucia, heard a suspicious loud bang at their stern where their dinghy was chain locked. The captain investigated and noted 3 men in a local boat who then drifted off a bit and then again came close and attempted to claim they were the police and began “interrogating” the captain about illegal drugs and weapons. They threatened the captain and crew and mimed shooting a gun at the yacht.

The captain shown a bright spotlight on the men, and they departed to the nearby town dock. After retrieving some rocks ashore, the 3 men went to the end of the dock and began throwing them in the direction of the yacht (out of range) and swearing. Nothing was stolen. The captain contacted the Laborie police by phone, who were immediately responsive and checked the (empty) local boat at the dock. The police also followed up again the next morning by phone.


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