Updates on availability of Gas in the Canaries
See further comments at the bottom of the report.
Published 6 years ago
A subsequent update from Dez Hosted, 1 March 2019
Just to complete the story… I went back to DISA this morning to get our 3rd bottle filled. But they refused, claiming that it had the ‘wrong valve’ even though it was exactly the same as the two bottles that they filled yesterday. The crew from another boat has also had some pretty random experiences with them this week. It seems your mileage depends very much on who you see when you get there. Yesterday’s chap was super pleasant (although dead slow) and spoke really good English. Today’s didn’t seem in any way interested without a word of English.
The below comment re 6kg colour is absolutely correct (or was at 30/8/16). We paid Euro 20.33 for 2 x 6kg refills. (They did look at the test disc round the top of the cylinder.) NB, they only accept cash!
In Gran Canaria, propane bottles can be re-filled with propane.
On the remainder of the islands only butane is available – therefore any propane bottles will be re-filled with butane.
The following range of bottles can be filled in the Canaries.
Bringing a kit of adaptors with you will unfortunately not help; bottles in the Canaries have to be filled directly from the plant’s authorized taps.
- All Spanish bottles;
- Calor Gas bottles with a blue butane or orange propane fitting;
- A number of US and Scandinavian bottles with a left-hand feminine fitting;
- French Jumbo bottles;
- Any other bottle that coincides with the Spanish fittings.
Bottles that cannot be filled:
- Some Calor propane bottles that have an escape valve that is slightly raised. This creates a problem since the filling head cannot fit over it.
- Some black, plastic American bottles, with a central slightly interior valve.
The filling is done in Lanzarote at the Arrecife DISA plant (ask in marinas for the availability of delivery service) from 9 am – 3 pm weekdays and in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria in the DISA Salinetas plant from 9 am – 11 am weekdays. Maximum 3 bottles per person.
Where a safety date stamp shows, this cannot have expired or it won’t be filled.
Camping Gaz canisters can be exchanged at the local fuel station.
The DISA plants in Lanzarote and Fuerteventura can fill most European propane bottles, but not the 3.9kg model – propane or butane – (because their machine won’t fit over the pressure release valve).
The DISA plant in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, however, can refill 3.9 kg gas containers (propane or butane). The DISA plant is only open Monday-Friday 0930-1130 and there is a maximum of 3 containers per person. Best to get there early.
Update November 2013
From the ARC office, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Gas adaptors have not been fitted to enable propane bottles to be fitted in Las Palmas. DISA Gran Canaria denies that it’s been done in Lanzarote, although it obviously has. At the moment our advice continues to be that yachts should refill all propane tanks before arriving in Gran Canaria.
Butane is available as normal.
18 September 2013
This is just to remind cruisers that it is not possible to fill New Zealand or Australian propane cylinders in Las Palmas, Canary Islands. This might apply to US cylinders also as I believe they have the same fittings. The cylinders even with an adapter are it seems not approved for refilling at the gas depot. It is possible to fill German cylinders.
The depot at Calle Labrador, Las Palmas, does open between 10 am and 12 am Monday to Friday and it does sell both propane and butane. If you have a European cylinder that needs refilling the only way to find out is to take it to the depot and wait for their decision. There is no bus that goes close to the depot so it’s either a long walk from the nearest bus stop or a 25-minute taxi ride from the marina in Las Palmas.
It seems that the only option for yachts carrying non-approved propane cylinders is to purchase Spanish containers or switch to Camping Gaz butane. Both are available in Las Palmas.
(Editor’s Note: The gas company only have fittings for approved bottles. They will sell newly approved gas bottles however at a huge discount).
Gas before leaving for the Canary Islands
For yachts visiting either Estepona or La Linea, Spain, Dirk in Estepona (January 2013) will fill all types of propane gas bottles from around the world and can be reached at either: 616-96-94-96 or 644-135-071
Alison Williams
SV Saraoni
Canary Islands – Refilling Gas Bottles – Butane now no problem
Progress with the Gas Bottle Situation – Update 23 May 2012 from Puerto Calero, Lanzarote
Yachts arriving in the Canaries are now able to fill most butane canisters thanks to new adaptors being fitted throughout the islands.
Obliged in recent years to reassess safety measures in their gas plants, DISA imposed filling restrictions meaning that a variety of adaptors previously available to fill gas bottles were removed as they posed an increased risk to operators. With over a thousand yachts passing through the Canaries each year, a number of visitors were faced with serious concerns when they suddenly found that empty gas bottles could not be filled prior to what might amount to a three-week Atlantic crossing.
With the help of obliging yachtsmen and advice from gas specialist Will Hayward and Atlantic Islands editor Anne Hammick, Puerto Calero were able to identify some of the most predominantly used fittings and DISA consequently started to install the necessary adaptors for each island’s plant.
Since December of last year, DISA plants in both Lanzarote and Fuerteventura are now able to fill bottles such as the blue Calor gas 21.8mm male screw fitting, “Jumbo” fittings, and the left-hand female fittings such as those found commonly on many propane bottles e.g. the orange Calor gas canisters and some Scandinavian and US bottles.
It should be noted that currently the plants are only set up to fill bottles with butane – propane is not yet available for these specifications. All islands are expected to be able to offer this new service by the end of the year.
Puerto Calero Marina invites feedback from sailors passing through the Canaries with a view to learning more about services required in the islands by yachtsmen and women: reservas@puertocalero.com.
Further Update 10 October 2011 – from Puerto Calero, Lanzarote
We are still on target for the Calor propane, Jumbo connection and American/Scandinavian fittings to be fillable by mid-November in all Canary Islands.
Currently, in Lanzarote & Fuerteventura the blue Calor butane bottles can now be filled, but this service will not be available in Tenerife this year. For Gran Canaria, El Hierro, La Palma and La Gomera, we are still standing by for confirmation of whether Calor butane bottles can be filled.
Update 24 August 2011
World Cruising Club is working in conjunction with Puerto Calero and DISA, with support from Calor Gas in the UK to ensure a satisfactory solution is reached. DISA has confirmed they are currently awaiting the arrival of new propane adaptors, which will be installed as soon as possible. It is still unconfirmed whether the system will be operative in time for the arrival of the ARC in Las Palmas, but ARC Skippers will be kept updated on progress by World Cruising.
Refilling your Gas Bottles in the Canary Islands
From SY Serendipity at Sea
Basically, it can’t be done … not unless you have one of DISA’s (the Spanish distributor) own gas bottles. So before you get to the Canary Islands you need to have enough gas to get you to the Caribbean.
Alternatively, you will have to buy a proprietary Spanish gas bottle to tide you over – and the appropriate fittings and perhaps regulator. These bottles are bulky (we purchased a 5.1 Kg DISA bottle which comes with a protective plastic outer skin which is 10% bigger and 10% taller overall than a UK 6.9Kg Calor Gas bottle) and are unlikely to easily fit many gas lockers.
There is a solution coming – promised by October 2011 for Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife – but it has been two years in the coming.
Melanie Symes at Puerto Calero (see below) was very helpful to us in finding a solution and I recommend visiting yachts needing to refill in the Canaries stop by and ask her for an update on the current situation. (It’s quite a nice marina – with helpful staff – too!)
By way of background, the following text is copied from the Corrections to Ann Hammick’s Atlantic Islands Pilot published by Imray:
“In late 2009, it was reported that 4.5kg Calor Gas and other cylinders could no longer be filled at DISA plants throughout the Canaries – effectively the only company offering this service – although Camping Gaz bottles could still be exchanged. I would particularly like to thank Mel Symes of Puerto Calero, Lanzarote, for investigating the problem, which had already affected yachts passing through her marina.
It seems that on 1 August 2009 DISA introduced major restrictions on refilling bottles, for safety reasons. The unwieldy local 13kg bottles were phased out and replaced by lightweight 6kg Nu-B butane canisters, which are readily available throughout the islands.
Any yacht contemplating a long stay in the Canaries might consider adapting to these bottles, which can be obtained from fuel stations for a 35 euro deposit and returned at any other island. Regulators can be bought from local hardware stores for about 8 euros. This is clearly of no help to yachts in transit, though a few (who carried their own adapters) reported getting Calor Gas bottles filled on Gran Canaria and possibly other islands.
On following up the problem a year later, a spokesman for DISA said that by October 2010 the company planned to have sets of adapters able to fit most major brands of foreign bottles – including Calor Gas – available at their plants in Lanzarote, Gran Canaria and Tenerife. Similar kits would be supplied to the other islands in due course.”
Further information about LPG Gas Cylinders can be found here
Related to following destinations: Canary Islands
It s possible to refill french g
13kg tanks at the Disa plant in Santa Cruz de La Palma close to “central termica Los guinchos”.
It is easy 2km by feet from the marina.
I don’t know which bottle they can refill but the employee don’t hesitate when he see my tank.
In July 2020 British Calor bottles CANNOT be filled. I went with two Calor 4.5kg bottles. Others have been able to fill these at the Disa Plant previously. Now they say the British Calor 4.5s can’t be filled. In addition any bottles to be filled must be less than 10 years old.
We are in Santa Cruz, Tenerife and just got a New Zealand gas bottle filled at at the DISA, Calle Transversal 1 Anatolio. They weren’t sure initially if they could be we left it with them, went back the next day and they had filled it.
With regards to getting gas bottles filled at the DISA plant (see https://move.noonsite.com/Countries/CanaryIslands/LasPalmasdeGranCanaria/DISA for directions) we’ve had variable success with them this week.
On the first visit, they said that they can only fill two cylinders per customer, not three as shown on the Noonsite page. We returned the next day to fill our third cylinder and was told that it was ‘impossible’ as it had the ‘wrong valve’. It had exactly the same value as the cylinders they’d filled the day before.
Friends on another boat have had a similarly random experience. The excuse that they got was that it wasn’t possible to see the hydraulic test date despite the fact that it was clearly visible and their bottle was 4 years ‘newer’ than the ones that we managed to get filled.
I guess it depends on who picks up the bottles on the day you visit. The RolNautic chandlers are able to fill some bottles, but they’re eye-wateringly expensive.
This comment was posted elsewhere on the site – 26 October 2015:
I can confirm that the DISA plant in Gran Canaria does refill propane bottles/tanks. We have a 6 kg Calor bottle/tank from the UK. They filled it with no adaptor needed. Take the highway from the Muelle Deportivo towards the airport, about 17 km. Take the Salinetas exit.
There is an IKEA Almacen, which is the second IKEA on the way to the airport. Go past that and take a right on the second roundabout, in front of the Mercadora supermarket. The entrance to the DISA plant is on your left. They also filled smaller propane bottles from Croatia with no adaptor required.
FYI, went to the Disa plant in Arrecife today, and the guy in the front office said unequivocally that propane filling is not possible anywhere on the island, due to “security” – no explanation given.
See the latest update – May 2016 – at the top of this report. If your US bottle is one of those that can’t be filled, you will either have to arrive in the Canaries with sufficient gas for your stay and onward voyage – or buy a Spanish bottle.
We have U.S. LPG tanks with American valve and thread PLUS adapter that converts from the US thread to German thread and then 4 adapters to connect to more or less every system in Europe. does anyone know if DISA will REFILL in this situation (don’t want exchange)
I can confirm that the DISA plant in Gran Canaria does refill propane bottles/tanks. We have a 6 kg Calor bottle/tank from the UK. They filled it with no adaptor needed. Take the highway from the Muelle Deportivo towards the airport, about 17 km. Take the Salinetas exit. There is an IKEA Almacen, which is the second IKEA on the way to the airport.
Go past that and take a right on the second roundabout, in front of the Mercado supermarket. The entrance to the DISA plant is on your left. They also filled smaller propane bottles from Croatia with no adaptor required.
Having been in contact with DISA in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, you can definitely refill 3.9 kg gas containers there (propane or butane). The DISA plant is only open Monday-Friday 0930-1130 and there is a maximum of 3 containers per person. Best to get there early.
We visited the DISA plant near Arrecife, Lanzarote. They can fill most red UK propane bottles but not the 3.9kg because their machine won’t fit over the pressure release valve. 10/10/14
13 August 2013 – Gas update Puerto Calero. I can confirm that I have had a 13kg French butane bottle filled with no problem. SV Enchantee.