Businesses Listings for: Club house
Jachthaven Lauwersoog
Address: Noordergat 1, 9976 VR Lauwersoog, 9976 VR Lauwersoog, Lauwersoog, North Sea, Netherlands, 9976 VR
All facilities, fuel, laundry, WiFi, clubhouse, restaurant. Boatyard with mast crane, very large travel lift hoists capable of lifting catamans up ...
Campagnia della Vela (Venice Sailing Club)
Address: Isola San Giorgio Maggiore (SE of St Mark's Sq.), S. Marco Giadinetti - Isola S. Giorgio, S. Marco Giadinetti - Isola S. Giorgio, Venice, East Coast (Adriatic Coast), Italy, 30124
The yacht club has exclusive use of a basin directly opposite St. Mark's Square, on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore. Visitors can stay, if a berth ...
Staniel Cay Yacht Club
Address: Staniel Cay, Exuma, Bahamas
Staniel Cay is located approximately 75 miles Southeast of Nassau.The marina has 18 slips and can accommodate drafts up to 12 feet and ...
Iate Clube de Caioba (ICC)
Address: Enseada de Ganchos, Florianopolis, Southern Brazil, Brazil
This is an out-station of the yacht club and lies about 15NM north of Florianopolis.Anchor in front of the jetty or arrange to pick up a ...
Quinched Marina
Address: Chiloe Island, Chile
Chiloe Island, Chile Latitude: 42°34.68 S - Longitude: 73°45.38 W. This is a small marina with water and electricity on floating pontoons. ...
Parnu Yacht Club
Address: Lootsi 6, Pärnu, Estonia, 80012
This club is over 100 years old. It runs a guest house and a restaurant. It can help with fueling and some small ...