Businesses Listings for: Water
Grand Baie Yacht Club
Address: Route Cotiere, Grand Baie, Mauritius, Republic of Mauritius
The Grand Baie Yacht Club (GBYC) has been established since 1941 and is a private members club in the north of Mauritius with a community of 1,300 ...
Swantown Boatworks
Address: 1022 Marine Drive NE, Olympia, West Coast, USA, 98510
77-ton boat lift. Short and long-term storage with power, water, and compressed air to all work areas. Facilities include a self-help center, garbage ...
Port Plaza Guest Moorage
Address: Swantown Marina, 1022 Marine Drive NE, 1022 Marine Drive NE, Olympia, West Coast, USA, WA 98501
Located on the west side of the Port Peninsula just north of Olympia's Percival Landing. Guest berthing up to 7 days/month. Reservations are ...
Porto Canale Fiumicino
Address: Piazzale Mediterranean, snc, snc, Fiumicino (Rome), West Coast, Italy, 00054
Call VHF Channel 16 before entering the canal. Water, fuel, chandlery, electricity, toilets, telephones, laundry and supplies. 40 ton crane. Good ...
Address: Crater Bay, P.O. Box 154, P.O. Box 154, Hell-Ville (Nossi-Be), Madagascar, 207
(24-hour service mobile phone), Engine repairs, Injection systems, Hydraulics, Refrigeration. On the dock side next to SOLIMAR. Diesel, petrol, ...
Water – Audierne
Address: Alongside Sainte Evette jetty, or on the marina pontoons at Audierne., Audierne, Atlantic, France