St Peter Port - Docking

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This is a ferry port and manoeuvring space is limited, so take special care when entering or leaving the harbour.


The Victoria Marina is very quaint and picturesque alongside the small but bustling town seafront. Access is via a lock.

The Victoria marina lock is open approximately 2.5 hours either side of HW and the sill height is 4.2m above chart datum. Entry is controlled by the marina attendants. Control lights are positioned on both pier heads at the entrance to the marina.

If arriving when the lock is closed, the harbour launch will direct you to an appropriate holding pontoon. The harbour authorities are well organised here. Having sorted out the boats beforehand, a launch will then lead each boat to a berth when the lock opens and departing boats have cleared the entrance. It is important to take note of the Harbour staff’s instructions.

Mooring alongside pontoons are available in the Marina, however there are size and draught restrictions, so check with the Marina Staff (VHF 80) if you are able to berth inside the Marina (max. length 12.8, depth 1.8m) .

The facilities include shower blocks on both sides of the marina and electricity and water is available on all Victoria Marina pontoons. A fuel berth and large chandlery are located on the south side of the main fairway. Payment is by cash, debit or credit card.

Please do not leave your vessel unattended for more than 24 hours except by prior arrangement with the Marina Office. Visiting yachts intending to stay longer than 14 days should also obtain prior permission from the Marina Manager (01481 220609).

More marina info. under related businesses below.

Outside the Marina

In addition to the Victoria Marina, Guernsey Ports offer the ‘Swan’ Pontoons to visiting yachts, located just outside the Marina, which offer walk ashore access straight into town. Unfortunately there is no electricity available on these pontoons, however fresh water is available (you will need to use your own hose) and you are not restricted by the tide in anyway.

Your mooring is designated for your vessel only; prior permission of Guernsey Ports must be obtained to lay alongside piers, jetties, or ships.

Harbor Rules:

  • Large yachts must contact the Harbour Authorities in advance.
  • Speed limits from four to six knots are in force in St Peter Port Harbour. A speed limit of six knots is in force in most of the bays around the coast of Guernsey and in the approaches to Herm and Jethou. There is also a speed limit of six knots off most of the bathing beaches in Herm and at Rosaire anchorage.
  • Tenders must not be left on any steps, gangways or pontoons as they may seriously impede other users or emergency access points. In the interest of safety, tenders should not be used in the marinas unnecessarily.
  • Swimming and diving is not permitted in any area of the harbour’s, including the marinas.
  • Holding tanks should not be emptied in the marinas or harbour, where possible please avoid using on-board toilets when moored in the marinas or pool area.
  • It is strictly forbidden to refuel in the marinas or anywhere else in the harbour without the permission of the Harbourmaster. See the fuel section for more details.
  • Using barbecues is strictly forbidden in the marinas and in the pool area.

Anchoring around the Bailiwick of Guernsey

Anchoring in Havelet Bay (free) is possible if the weather is suitable (not in strong SE’lies), but note it can be uncomfortable at HW springs.

Other anchorages coming soon.

For the latest yachtsman’s Guide see for all the necessary information.

Last updated: April 2024


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St Peter Port was last updated 11 months ago.

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  1. July 25, 2017 at 10:19 AM
    Data Entry1 says:

    There is water available on the pontoons outside Victoria Marina, own hose required.
    Rubbish recycling points are too far away to walk. There is a dumpster at the top of the pontoons outside the marina.

    There are bins at the top of the Marina pontoon walkways but no recycling there.
    The long pontoons in Victoria Marina have unusual cleats, you can’t throw a rope over them you have to get off and tie your rope through, maybe a problem if single or shorthanded sailing.