Holy Week:

The religious festival known as Semana Santa is best experienced in San Salvador with street parades and performance art, the week-long event has a carnival-like atmosphere and occurs in the week leading up to Easter Sunday.

May: Palm Festival

The Panchimalco Flower and Palm Festival offers up floral arrangements and garlands displayed throughout the towns, villages and beach resorts nationwide. Accompanying the event is music and traditional dress.

July Festival:

Santa Ana celebrates Fiesta Julias through the month of July with parades, and cultural events.

August: Festival of El Salvador

Almost every town in Latin America celebrates its Patron Saint, and San Salvador celebrates with live music, parades, dancing, and religious ceremonies. The event kicks off “Fiestas Agostinas,” a month of celebration around the country.

August: Balls of Fire Festival

Held in Nejapa—just north of San Salvador—fire-throwers with elaborately painted faces perform on the streets.

September 15: Independence Day

Celebrating El Salvador’s independence from Spain in 1821 with parades and fireworks on the beaches.

Cruisers Rally to El Salvador:
This Annual Rally run mid March to end of April. Enjoy late winter traveling down the Mexican Gold Coast for a spring-time arrival at Bahia del Sol, El Salvador. http://elsalvadorrally.com

Panama Posse Rally: November

The Panama Posse claims to be the biggest rally in the world, with 300 boats expected for the sixth edition. It has no set schedule or route, boats join from many different locations and it runs both east-west and west-east. The fleet usually grows as it travels down the west coast from California but most join from Mexico before heading through the Panama Canal. Entry includes a Panama Canal agent. Time frame is determined by the start and finish of the hurricane season. Boats range in size from 30-footers upwards, with the average age of a participants 45-65 and plenty of families taking part.

Route: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Jamaica, Roatan Bay of Islands, Rio Dulce, Belize, Yucatan peninsula, Cuba and Key West.


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El Salvador was last updated 7 months ago.

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  1. March 6, 2020 at 11:48 AM
    rob-murray says:

    Marina Barrillas is now closed as a port of entry.