Cochin (Kochi) - Clearance

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Cochin Clearance for Yachts

For full details on clearing into and out of the country see Indian Formalities.

For specific rules (2024) for this port see Standard Operating Procedures for Entry and Outward Clearance of Pleasure Yachts (Cochin)

Port Control must be contacted on both arrival and departure once in the approach channel, however, it’s highly likely they will pick you up on AIS and contact you first. Call on VHF channel 16.

International Clearance

Yachts must anchor for clearance at the quarantine anchorage – off the steamer point on the north tip of Willingdon Island, opposite the two jetties of the port office and the Taj Malabar Hotel in front of the Port Trust Building (Location: 09° 58.15’N, 076° 15.43’E).

Clearance must be completed before permission will be given to move to the Marina [note: call Bolgatty Marina in advance to ensure they have space for you].

Cruisers advise that the marina will want to see copies of Immigration, Customs and Port Control inward clearance for admission to the marina.

Location of Offices:

The Immigration Office is opposite Cochin Harbour Terminus Railway Station in Willingdon Island.

The Deputy Conservator’s Office, Cochin Port Trust (for the entry certificate) is in the main building of Cochin Port Trust in Willingdon Island.

The Customs House Import & Bond Department is situated just next to the Port Trust Office for completing Customs formalities on entry.

Operating Hours:

  • Immigration officers work 24/7
  • Customs only work 5 days a week, 9am to 5pm. Customs officers also don’t work on Indian holidays. Consequently, the worst time to arrive is on a Friday night before a Monday holiday.

Moving Within Cochin Port

After clearance, you may then go to the yacht anchorage south of Bolgatty Island, or the marina at the Bolgatty Palace Heritage Hotel on the east of Bolgatty Island. Boats drawing more than 6 ft (2 m) should wait for high tide as the channel is shallow in places.

Prior permission should be obtained from Superintendent of Customs (SIIB) at Custom House, Cochin, for moving the yacht to any new position in the harbour.

Prior permission from the port is also necessary for taking out any part or fittings of the vessel for repairs or any other purpose, if any member of the Crew/passenger to disembark at Cochin or any new Passenger/Crew to embark at Cochin, and for taking any bunkers or stores in excess to the requirements in the port.

Domestic Cruising

If planning a day sail from the port, Port Control must be advised in advance, stating vessel, crew, and duration of the trip (in hours).

The Coast Guard is likely to come alongside to check when sailing in the vicinity of the port.

Leaving your boat in Cochin

You can leave your boat in Cochin and travel inland in India without any need to contact the authorities. If you want to leave the boat there and travel out of the country however, you will need special permission from the authorities in Cochin. The boat must have a guard on-board or be stored in a recognized boatyard/workshop.

Contact: Deputy Conservator’s Office, Cochin, Tel: 04 84 666871, Fax: 04 84 668163.

Contact Details

  • Customs: /
  • Port Health:
  • Immigration:
  • Indian Navy:
  • Indian Coast Guard:

A useful contact here is Nisam (see business link below in related businesses) whose father, Nazar, helped cruisers for decades and Nisam has now taken over the business. He speaks fluent English. Nisam is not permitted to assist with clearance, but can help with fuel, shopping, boat maintenance and more.

Last updated:  September 2024

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Cochin (Kochi) was last updated 5 months ago.

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  1. July 27, 2018 at 6:11 PM
    Sue Richards says:

    SVJoana says:
    Jun 17, 2018, 02:08 AM

    Although it is only June 2018, I have a very good idea of which boats have already passed through the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. There have been 31 private yachts that made the passage, of which 5 have made a North to South Passage. The boat names are:

    ANNA SAARA, AURA, BENYLEO 2, BONAVENTURE (North to South), BLUE PELICAN, CANNONBALL, DR NO, ELAS, ENIGMA, ESPRIT 3, GALAXY (North to South), GREEN BOAT, INCRESCENT MOON, ITCHY FEET, KANDU, KINGS LEGEND, LEVENTEIA (North to South), LYKA, MIYAGI MOON (North to South), ORONO 1, PHOENIX, ROCK & ROLL STAR, RON GLAS (North to South), RONIN, SALIMA 2, SOUL, SORCERESS, SOUTHERN WING, SPIRIT OF AFRICA, VIMY, YACUBAL. I’m certain that there are more boats that have made the passage, but these are NAMED yachts, and not just statistics reported by agents.

    As the Administrator for the Facebook Group RED SEA PASSAGE – I encourage cruisers who are contemplating this route to join the group. Since it is a secret, closed group – membership is vetted. You may email me at to inquire. Wade Alarie / SV Joana /

    A logical port to stage out of for a Westbound crossing of the Red Sea is Cochin Marina, India. Contact Nigel Joseph marina manager, +91 97470 57015, email to Send vessel name, mono or cat, dimensions, ETA and length of stay, to reserve space in the marina.