Biak - Engines & Mechanical

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Biak was last updated 9 months ago.

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Buy Now On provides high quality courtesy flags that are manufactured in durable Knitted Polyester fabric. Knitted so that the fabric itself does not deteriorate in the constant movement that marine flags are usually exposed to, and polyester so that the flag does not weaken in the strong UV-light usually found in the main sailing areas of the world. offers a discount to Noonsite members.

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  1. November 12, 2022 at 7:13 AM
    lyndalim says:

    Reported by Massimo Vecchietti
    Good morning
    Me and 3 other friends of mine with their boats (Patchouli II, Zahir, A Viagem and Sancta Anna) entered in Indonesia at BIAK in the first days of October.
    Our agent was Raimond Lesmana who had provided us with the necessary documents, but we had great difficulty in completing the clearance procedures; the time needed was 4 days !!!
    We must really thank Mr. IGO (+62 82140321672 also Wattsapp) who, in addition to having actively helped us with the various offices, also assisted us for everything else during the 4 days of stay at anchor in BIAK, also by procuring Pertamina DEXLITE fuel, which is not easy to obtain.
    It is essential to have a local agent, to extricate yourself from the Indonesian bureaucracy and it is not enough to have one, even if efficient, far away.
    Mr Igo, contacted in time, can also take care of VISAs at low cost !!
    Massimo Vecchietti
    SY Patchouli II