Destin & Fort Walton - Docking
Dockage options range from upscale resort-style to somewhat rustic.
Anchorages are plentiful around Chocktawhatchee Bay and the inside of the barrier islands. The eastern end of the bay along the ICW is more narrow and may offer more protection. West of Fort Walton Beach, there are numerous anchorages protected by low-lying islands with good holding in sand.
Last updated: June 2017
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Related to following destinations: Destin / Fort Walton, Florida, USA
Port Navigation
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The pass is constantly being dredged and is subject to large wakes and confused seas. You must be close to the bridge before you turn East into the harbor. Note the bridge north of the harbor is only 50’.
Destin History and Fishing Museum will be conducting its annual lighted boat parade in Destin Harbor on December 10, 2017, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. The parade will begin in Destin Harbor and end just south of the William T. Marler Bridge. Mariners are urged to transit the area with caution.